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How to Prevent Burnout

Engineering is a rollercoaster; one week you feel like you’re ahead of the game, and the next you suddenly have 3 midterms back to back to back. It's common to feel burnt out with 6+ classes and numerous assignments and lectures. However, over the past 1.5 years of school I have come up with some safe ways to both prevent burnout and to spend more time on self care for myself. These tips help me, so I can continue to keep up my grind.

Here are some of my tips to prevent burnout:

1) Keep track of how you’re feeling and what you’re accomplishing

Sometimes it feels like you aren’t achieving anything because of the heavy workload. Yet, completing a single day of courses is a big accomplishment in itself, so don’t be too hard on yourself!


I try to journal every morning to remind myself of any small wins that I am proud of. A lot of things go unnoticed when you’re constantly grinding 24/7, so it can be helpful to try to take a few moments to appreciate everything you have going on.

Reflect on your accomplishments rather than hurrying to move onto whatever is next. This will help you understand how resilient and persistent you are. Journaling helps you organize your thoughts, and it keeps you in the present without feeling overwhelmed or wary of the future.

2) Change up your routine

Of course, we’re in a pandemic and it's hard to switch up our daily routines. However, incorporating a new healthy habit in your day can make a big difference. Here are some ideas:

  • Exercise, walks, or any form of physical activity can help take your mind off of everything you need to do.

  • Meditation helps calm your mind and enhances overall health and wellbeing (it’s worth trying!).

  • Do something creative that brings you joy (ex. a colouring book, making music, creative writing, etc.)

  • Drink lots of water.

3) Plan your day

This tip seems super basic, but planning your day can help you increase productivity. Planning your day helps you realize what is necessary and what isn’t.

Schedule relaxation time for yourself; relaxation is just as important as your school work.

3) Sleep!!!!

Sleep is underrated during the school year, and it's common to just fall into the habit of prioritizing work over sleep. Lack of sleep decreases productivity, and it also makes it harder for you to learn new concepts. Everyone needs rest, regardless if you think that you can handle school with“no sleep.”

Take the time at night to unwind, and take this precious time for yourself to get the sleep that will help you be productive the next day.

4) Develop support systems

Online school gets difficult because you pretty much feel like you’re going through it all alone. Talking to your friends and family (virtually) can make such a difference in all of this; those are the people who can make you feel safe and bring some joy into your life. Give your friends/family a call, even 10 minutes can make a large impact on your wellness.

Written by Ameena

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